Lead nutrition researcher, Lawrence Haddad, blogs on the launch of the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index 2014: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly. Notably, he asks where next for HANCI? He would like to see the HANCI expand to…
Ranking governments on their political commitment to tackling hunger and undernutrition
Lead nutrition researcher, Lawrence Haddad, blogs on the launch of the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index 2014: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly. Notably, he asks where next for HANCI? He would like to see the HANCI expand to…
Dolf te Lintelo and Nick Nisbett, research fellows at the Institute of Development Studies, call for the Global Goals to go further to tackle global malnutrition in the Guardian. They have highlighted that now the SDGs have been agreed, the…
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed, however, the current focus on nutrition is insufficient. The new Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI) launched today, shows that government commitment to addressing hunger is rarely the same as their commitment…
A new study by HANCI researchers Dolf te Lintelo and Raijith Lakshman, published this month in World Development, examines in detail the hypothesis that commitment to hunger reduction is empirically different from commitment to reducing undernutrition. As political commitment is an essential…
The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) taking place in Rome this week represents a major opportunity for national and global leaders to reassert their commitment to tackling hunger and undernutrition. Latest findings from the Institute of Development Studies’ (IDS)…
Scott Bleggi, Senior Foreign Policy Analyst at Bread for the World Institute blogs on the latest HANCI findings. Read the full blog post here: Which Country Is Most Committed to Ending Hunger?
The Guardian’s Global Development Professionals Network publishes Dolf te Lintelo’s blog on the Improving Nutrition hub about the findings from the latest HANCI report. Read the full article here: Which 7 countries are most committed to ending hunger?
Leaveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) post blog on HANCI findings in South Asia. Read the full story here: What does new HANCI say about political will to reduce undernutrition in South Asia?
ReliefWeb publishes latest HANCI findings: Read the full story here: Hunger and nutrition commitment index (HANCI 2013) - Measuring political commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting publishes story on how Guatemala has finally woken up to its malnutrition crisis, citing HANCI in the story. Read the full story here: How Guatemala Finally ‘Woke Up’ to its Malnutrition Crisis