Key data for Indonesia

NCI12th HRCI9th HANCI5th
HANCI compares 45 countries for their performance on 22 indicators of political commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition. All the countries compared in the index have high rates of hunger and undernutrition. The comparative approach of the index means that country scores are calculated in relation to the political commitment of the other countries in the index.
Existing rates of: Stunting: 30.8% Wasting: 10.2% Proportion of population underweight: 10.2% Source: Government of Indonesia (RISKESDAS,2018)

Strong Performance

  • The Government of Indonesia has ensured tenure security for rural populations. Land titling is common and land markets function well. Policy promotes equitable access to common property resources.
  • The Government encourages varied agricultural research and extension services, and local farmer organisations are involved in setting policy priorities. The extension system is effective and properly reaches out to poor farmers. Government policies, strategies and mechanisms seek to ensure gender equity in access to extension services.
  • Indonesia instituted a separate budget line for nutrition, enabling transparency and accountability for spending.
  • The National Nutrition Policy/Strategy identifies time bound nutrition targets and a multisectoral and multistakeholder policy coordination mechanism has been set up.
  • Policymakers in Indonesia benefit from regular nutrition surveys that are statistically representative at national level. The last survey was published in 2017.
  • The Government of Indonesia promotes complementary feeding practices.
  • 90.8% of the population of Indonesia in 2017 has access to an improved drinking water source.
  • In Indonesia 97.5% of women aged 15-49 were visited at least once during pregnancy by skilled health personnel in 2017.
  • In Indonesia, constitutional protection of the right to social security is strong.

Areas for improvement

  • In Indonesia, the law gives women and men equal economic rights and equal legal access to agricultural land. However, these laws are not effectively enforced and discriminatory practices against women continue, increasing their vulnerability to hunger and undernutrition.
  • Relative to other HANCI countries, Indonesia’s medium/long term national development policy (National Medium-Term Development Plan) places weak importance to nutrition.
  • The Government of Indonesia has achieved two high doses of vitamin A supplementation for only 62% of children in 2017.

Hunger Reduction Commitment Index (HRCI)

Public Spending Score Year HRCI rank of 45
Public spending on agriculture as share of total public spending
Public spending on health as share of total public spending
Policies Score Year HRCI rank of 45
Access to land (security of tenure)
Strong2019Joint 2nd
Access to agricultural research and extension services
Strong2019Joint 9th
Civil registration system — coverage of live births
Functioning of social protection systems
Moderate2018Joint 2nd
Laws Score Year HRCI rank of 45
Level of constitutional protection of the right to food
Moderate2017Joint 10th
Equality of women’s access to agricultural land
In Law, not in Practice2019Joint 28th
Equality of women’s economic rights
In Law, not in Practice2019Joint 12th
Constitutional right to social security
Yes2014Joint 1st

Nutrition Commitment Index (NCI)

Public Spending Score Year NCI rank of 45
Separate budget for nutrition
Yes2019Joint 1st
Policies Score Year NCI rank of 45
Vitamin A supplementation coverage for children
62%2017Joint 26th
Government promotes complementary feeding
Yes2015Joint 1st
Population with access to an improved water source
Population with access to improved sanitation
Health care visits for pregnant women
Nutrition features in national development policy
National Nutrition Policy/Strategy
Yes2019Joint 1st
Multisector and multistakeholder policy coordination
Yes2019Joint 1st
Time bound nutrition targets
Yes2019Joint 1st
National nutrition survey in last 3 years
Yes2017Joint 1st
Laws Score Year NCI rank of 45
Enshrine ICBMS in domestic law
Many Aspects Enshrined2019Joint 19th