At HANCI we’re keen to support the use of our indices by the research community. This page brings together links to a number of resources providing more in-depth information about the methodology for HANCI, the construction of the indices and the selection of indicators. It also provides links to some other useful research papers that have either informed the development of the HANCI project or report on it.
For detailed enquiries about the HANCI methodology, the construction of the index and the indicators please contact lead researcher Dolf te Lintelo.
- For an overview of HANCI a good place to start is the About HANCI section of this website and our FAQ.
HANCI 2012 for developing countries
- For a detailed description of the methodology and explanation of indicator selection you should download the full 2012 HANCI report (PDF 3MB)
- The full list of the indicators themselves and links to the main data sources are provided in this document (also an annex of the full HANCI report).
- The data itself is available here and can be downloaded as a Excel spreadsheet file (XLSX 554KB)
HANCI 2012 donor country index
- The HANCI Donor Index report gives an overview
- The HANCI donor index is structured differently to the main developing country index and uses a different set of indicators. A full breakdown and explanation of the indicators is available in this this note.
Related research documents
- Gillespie, S. ;Haddad L.; Mannar V.; Menon, P.; Nisbett, N.; the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group (2013) The politics of reducing malnutrition: building commitment and accelerating progress. Lancet series Maternal and Child Nutrition, June 2013
- Haddad, L. (2013) How Can We Build an Enabling Political Environment to Fight Undernutriton? The European Journal of Development Research, 2013, vol. 25, issue 1, June 2013
- Pangaribowo, E. H.; Gerber, N.; Torero, M. (2013) Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review. FOODSECURE Working Paper 05, February 2013
- te Lintelo, D.J.H. (2012) Measuring Political Commitment to Reducing Hunger and Under-nutrition: Can it be Done and Will it Help? in IDS Bulletin, Special Issue: Standing on the Threshold: Food Justice in India, Volume 43, Issue Supplement s1, pages 65–73, July 2012
- Masset, E. (2011) A review of hunger indices and methods to monitor country commitment to fighting hunger. Food Policy, Volume 36, Supplement 1, January 2011
The Hunger Reduction Commitment Index
HANCI was preceded by a 2 year project to develop a pilot Hunger Reduction Commitment Index which has informed the development of the current HANCI index. Some of the documentation produced as part of that process may be of interest and is listed below.